
Breaking the Silence: Perfectionism Stops Here

Breaking the Silence: Perfectionism Stops Here

For the past several days I have wanted to post something on Facebook that speaks out against racism and bigotry. And yet, I could not find my voice. True, I had an unusually busy workweek (or so I told myself). I hit the ground running Monday morning working on...

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Writing Sisterhood! Come Join Us!

Writing Sisterhood! Come Join Us!

Since the election here in the U.S. two weeks ago, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be part of a writing sisterhood--to be part of a collective voice for change in a culture that is in the grip of a backlash. A cultural backlash is, of course, a violent...

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The Voice of Nikki Giovanni

You have a voice, use it. Never let anybody take your voice away from you. Nikki Giovanni   I’ve been sick this past week with a cold (or whatever’s going around Lynchburg—I’m still sneezing a week later!). Not too many years ago, I would have kept right on...

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Her Imprint: A Memoir Essay

Her Imprint: A Memoir Essay

  Thank you for the many heartfelt emails and messages you sent to me after I published my newsletter last week for the first time since my “mastectomy retreat.” (A phrase I’m stealing from the brilliant wordsmith Lisa Hadden!) How grateful I am for this...

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On Writing and Healing

Maybe everyone needs to retreat once in a while, or you don’t know who you are or what you’ve become. Claire Dederer   Where’ve I been these many months? I’ve been writing and healing from a mastectomy.   Last summer I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my...

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A Case for Resubmitting Your Work

A couple of years ago, I attended a panel of editors of literary journals at AWP. The panel was organized by VIDA: Women in the Literary Arts to discuss the implications of TheVIDA Count— the disparaging ratio of women to men published in literary magazines and...

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