Write your memoir with clarity, confidence, and conviction.

1:1 women’s memoir coaching to get your story out of your heart and into the world

Many women writing memoir feel stuck because they aren’t sure what their story is really about.

How many of these can you relate to?


You feel unclear about your story’s deeper meaning.


You’re not sure which scenes tell your story and which don’t.


You question whether your story is truly worth telling.


You worry that you lack the skills to tell it.


You fear you may never finish.

You deserve to write a memoir that inspires others and transforms lives.

Clarify Your Vision

Know exactly which scenes tell your story and how they drive to your memoir’s larger point.

Claim Your Voice

Gain the authority to write your truth without apology and get emotion on the page.

Embrace Confidence

Write with certainty that your story is worth telling and you have what it takes to finish.

I get it. Seeing your own story clearly is hard.

I know you want to prove to yourself that you can complete your memoir. In order to do that, you need a clear vision of your story’s breadth and emotional depth. The problem is, you may feel unclear about your story’s deeper meaning or that you lack the skills to tell it well. This can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start or how to move forward.

I believe every woman has a story that deserves to be shared, and that clarity is the path to completion. That’s why I’ve spent the last twenty years as a writing and memoir coach helping women like you find their deeper story so they can craft a memoir that impacts others.

Here’s how my approach is unique:

I create a safe and supportive space where you can explore and express your story’s deeper truth without judgment.

Using a tailored strategy, I help you identify the heart of your story and connect every scene to this core, ensuring that your memoir has a compelling narrative arc.

We define your ideal reader so you can speak directly to their hearts, in your authentic voice, enhancing the relatability and impact of your memoir.

Schedule a Memoir-Clarity Call with me and take the first step towards telling your story as only you can tell it.

As an Author Accelerator certified book coach, I am qualified to coach writers using Author Accelerator’s strategy, methods, and materials, but I operate independently of Author Accelerator and am not affiliated with them.

As seen in the following publications

Here’s how it works

1. Schedule a Memoir-Clarity Call

Discover Your Story’s Potential:
We’ll explore the heart of your story and envision how it can be transformed into a powerful narrative. This is your first step toward clarifying your vision and bringing your experiences to life on the page.

2. Map Your Memoir

Envision Your Narrative:
Together, we’ll develop a detailed plan for your memoir, ensuring that every scene serves a purpose and contributes to a cohesive and compelling narrative. You’ll see the depth and breadth of your story with new eyes so that you can write a manuscript that captures the essence of your experiences and insights.

3. Transform Lives With Your Powerful Story

Share Your Truth, Inspire Change:
Once your memoir is crafted, it’s time to share it with the world. Your story has the power to resonate deeply with readers, offering them insights, inspiration, and the courage to face their own truths. See the impact your words can have as they inspire transformation in others.

“My story is now organized and I have a clear vision to write it.”


Before working with Marilyn I’d spent more than six years floundering on a draft of my memoir. With Marilyn’s guidance, I found my story’s deeper truth, solidified a working structure, and completed a full manuscript in six months!

— Maurene

Marilyn helped me reclaim my voice and uncover layers of my story I hadn’t known were there. I now envision, for the first time, a book I want to write, a book I know I can write, and a book I am confident at least some people will want to read.

— Kaija

With clarity and kindness, Marilyn helped me identify the core threads of my narrative arc and see clearly the issues in my first draft I couldn’t figure out how to fix on my own. I now have a clear path forward to tackle my revision with confidence.

— Jessica

Don’t let your story go untold.

We’ll work together so that you can finally tell the story that wants to be told and make a difference in the world.

Memoir Coaching Services

Writing a memoir is a beautiful, messy, transformative process that takes time.
But you should never feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Whether you’re just beginning, stalled, or ready to revise, I’m here to help you unearth your story, clarify your vision, and craft your memoir in your unique voice.

Map Your Memoir

Develop a roadmap to chart a clear path forward. Mapping your memoir is essential to seeing your story clearly. It involves completing a series of exercises designed to show you how the pieces of your memoir fit together. This clarity helps define your memoir’s shape and scope, and guides every step of your writing journey.

Write Your Memoir

Monthly mentoring keeps you on track to finish your draft. Ongoing 1:1 book coaching provides written feedback on your pages, deep-dive coaching calls, unwavering support, and clear next steps to keep you writing forward with momentum and accountability. Open to women who’ve completed Map Your Memoir or Revise your memoir.

Revise Your Memoir

Create a clear revision plan so you can revise with authority. Together we’ll identify the issues in your draft and strategize how to fix them so you can see exactly what your manuscript needs. You’ll come away with a comprehensive “Revision Map” that empowers you to revise your manuscript with big-picture clarity and confidence every step of the way.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”

Maya Angelou

Free Video Course

Define Your Deep-Level Why & Unlock the Soul of Your Memoir

No matter how silenced your story has been, you can claim your voice and write your memoir with clarity and confidence. The real question is Why must you write it?

  • Cut through shame and doubt & tap into compassion for your story and your need to tell it.
  • Get clear about your story’s deeper meaning and bring emotion to the page that invites your reader in.
  • Deepen your resolve to tell your story in your unique voice in the way that only you can tell it.

You’ll also receive Writing Women’s Lives newsletter with memoir writing tips and updates on memoir courses and 1:1 mentoring opportunities. I will never send spam, and I will never share your contact information.

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